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Congratulations! You just got engaged, and few things are more exciting at the moment than staring at the sparkling stone on your finger. (Oh, and planning your wedding — that’s exciting, too.) And while you really don’t want to take it off, should you sleep with your engagement ring on? 
Not to burst your pre-wedding bubble, but you probably should take your engagement ring off before you turn in for the night. Here are a few reasons why sleeping with rings on isn’t the best idea … and a few times where it’s totally OK. 

risks of sleeping with rings on 

Don’t worry; it’s not hazardous to your health or your physical safety if you forget to take that ring off. It’s just that you’re going to want your engagement ring to last, well, a lifetime — and sometimes that means giving your ring a breather from your finger. Before you snooze, here are some compelling arguments to stash your engagement ring somewhere safe: 

under pressure

Metal, even the harder ones like platinum, can bend. And if you’re a tosser and turner during the night, that can be a recipe for loose prongs and bent bands. 

hairy problem

How many times have you gotten hair snagged in your prongs? Keeping your ring away from your tresses, especially in the wee small hours, will lessen the chances of hair pulling at the ring setting and compromising its integrity. 

not so swell

In addition to puffy eyes, ever wake up with slightly swollen fingers, particularly if you sleep on your hands? Sometimes it’s followed by panic when you realize your ring is momentarily stuck. Not sleeping with your ring on gives you a chance to get up, grab a cup of coffee and let those fingers return to their normal size. 

should you ever sleep in your rings? 

Look, if you forget to slip off your ring before bed, it’s not a huge deal. Just don’t do it regularly. If you’re at home, store your engagement ring and any other jewelry in a trinket dish on your nightstand, or secure it in a jewelry box on your dresser. If, however, you’re at a bachelorette party, staying in a hotel for a work trip or going on vacation, it’s either a good idea to keep your rings on so you don’t risk them getting stolen or secure them in a safe place at home before you leave. 

ring care and safety 

Diamonds, whether natural or lab grown, can last forever with the right amount of TLC. Regularly clean your engagement ring, inspect the setting and prongs, and take your ring off before you shower, sleep or swim. 

For more than a century, Helzberg Diamonds has been in the business of both the creation and care of engagement rings, wedding bands and other any-occasion jewelry. So if you’re looking for more advice to keep your jewelry in great shape, read more jewelry care tips or book an appointment with our repair experts.  Looking for more protection? Learn more about our Jewelry Care Plans, including lifetime care.